Change Your Water. Change Your Life.

Kangen Water

10 Ways To Use Strong Kangen Water 11.5ph


1. Clean Your Fruit & Vegetables

Because pesticides are oil based you can use Strong Kangen Water 11.5pH to clean your greens. Soak your fruit and vegetables for a minimum of 5 minutes to clean off toxic pesticides. Doing this not only helps kill bacteria and parasites but also extend the shelf life of your fruit and vegetables.

2. Use As Natural Make Up Remover

Dip your cotton pads into Strong Kangen Water to remove your make up before bedtime. Save yourself a small fortune over the course of a year!

3. Replace Your Laundry Detergent

Replace your laundry detergent by placing 1 to 2 quarts of Strong Kangen Water per load. This works great on clothes which have been used for greasy or oily work!

4. Support Your Sleep

Drink 1/2-1 ounce of 11.5 before bedtime to help release Melatonin for a great night sleep.

5. Reduce Puffy Eyes

Put some Strong Kangen Water in a glass spray bottle and spray on to eyes with your eyes shut to reduce puffiness.

6. Soothe Sunburn

Spray or soak areas with a towel soaked in Strong Kangen Water 11.5 pH and keep the affected area wet by adding small amounts of 11.5 to the towel for a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day. This is even more effective if one is applied for an hour twice daily.

7. Migraine Relief

As soon as you feel a migraine coming on, drink a glass or two of Strong Kangen Water 11.5pH.

8. Improve Your Acidic Drinks

Make Ice Cubes from Strong Kangen Water to help off-set the acid in your cold drinks.

9. Use As Natural Paint Thinner

Forget having to use a chemical based pain thinner as you can use Strong Kangen Water after using oil base paints to clean up your paint brushes.

10. Polish Your Silverware

Soak your silverware in Strong Kangen Water and polish away.